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We Will Ensure Your Roof Performs Optimally

You depend on your roof for protection from extreme temperatures, inclement weather, and pests. If your roof has holes or problems, it will not be able to do its job. In-Ex Designs Roofing can help. We offer comprehensive roof repair services in Denver, CO and the surrounding area. We have been a staple in the region for nearly 30 years and have earned a reputation for delivering exceptional results with friendly customer service. Our goal is to ensure our clients’ roofs always perform optimally. We serve residential and commercial property owners, and our roofers are proficient with a wide range of roofing materials. If you notice an issue with your roof, give us a call right away. We will respond promptly to offer solutions and protect your property.

Worker installing roof in Denver, CO

Common Roofing Concerns

Recognizing a roofing problem is critical to resolving it and minimizing your damages. Following a storm, roof issues may be obvious. However, many roofing concerns are gradual and may go undetected for extended periods of time. We would be happy to perform a roofing inspection at your home or business, but we also encourage you to look for common roofing concerns such as:

  • Interior Leaks – The presence of leaks where the roof meets your walls typically indicates a problem with your base flashings.
  • Leaking Chimney – You should never have watermarks in your chimney. Call In-Ex Designs Roofing for an inspection if they appear.
  • Leaking Piping – If you notice water stains on your walls or ceiling – especially in a bathroom – you may have a leaking pipe flange that requires immediate attention.
  • Leaking Skylights – Your skylights are elegant elements that allow you to gaze at the stars, but they are also vulnerable to leaks when there are problems with your roof.

Signs You May Need Roof Repair Services

The roofers at In-Ex Designs Roofing can expertly identify roofing problems that may go unnoticed by the untrained eye. With decades’ worth of experience, we can pinpoint any issue and develop a solution quickly and efficiently. Warning signs that you may need roof repair services in Denver, CO include:

  • Buckling or curling shingles
  • Cracking or loosening of materials around chimney or pipes
  • Dark streaks on your roofing materials
  • Shingle granules in your gutters
  • Soft or springy textures in your roof’s valley
Roofer repairing asphalt roofs in Denver, CO

Our Team Will Thoroughly Inspect Your Roof

The best way to identify roofing problems is to inspect your roof thoroughly. Some issues will be apparent from the ground, but our team can gain a firmer understanding of the extent of your problems and the best ways to repair them by climbing on top of your home or business to isolate concerns. We have the requisite expertise to troubleshoot problems quickly to minimize your damages and save you money.

We Utilize All Types of Roofing Materials

Regardless of what type of roof you have, we can provide professionals repairs. We work with a wide range of roofing materials from the industry’s leading manufacturers, so we are confident we can restore your roof to like-new condition. If we determine you need a full roof replacement, we can also explore using new materials altogether. Our selection of roofing materials includes:


Our Roofers Perform Comprehensive Roof Repairs

Our roofers are adept at performing everything from minor roof repairs to significant roof overhauls. We even offer emergency roof repair services for instances when you cannot wait until the following business day. Our roofing experts will take a close look at your issue before explaining the problem and how we can resolve it. Our roofing services are guaranteed to last for years to come. We are always ready to assist, so call us when you need:

  • Animal damage roof repairs
  • Chimney repairs
  • Gutter and eavestrough repairs
  • Roof deck repairs
  • Roof flashing repairs
  • Seasonal roofing repairs
  • Shingle repairs
  • Skylight repairs

Why You Should Choose In-Ex Designs Roofing

In-Ex Designs Roofing has unrivaled industry experience. We have installed and repaired more than 35,000 roofs in the last three decades, and our exceptional results have established our roofing company as the premier roofing expert in the region. We are certified installers through General Aniline & Film (GAF), the largest shingle manufacturer in North America, and the Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau. As a result, we can offer some of the best warranties available and promise flawless roof repair services. But do not just take our word for it. We invite you to peruse our customer testimonials for firsthand accounts of our expertise.

View of two homes with wood shingles in Denver

Contact In-Ex Designs Roofing for Roof Repair Services Today

Like a chain, a roof is only as dependable as its weakest point. In-Ex Designs Roofing can ensure the roof atop your residential or commercial property is safe and reliable by performing a thorough inspection and making any necessary repairs. We serve clients in Denver, CO and the surrounding region using high-quality roofing materials and years of industry experience. Contact us today to schedule your free inspection.

Get Your Free Roofing Inspection!