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Stylish Wood Shingle Roofing

Let’s face it: Nothing beats the look of an all-wood shingle roof. When we imagine the ideal cabin getaway or turn of the century home, a wood shingle roof is almost always part of the picture. Many luxury homes and vacation retreats still use shingles and shakes today. Shakes are slightly more expensive due to the coverage they provide, while shingles offer similar protection at a lower cost. At In-Ex Designs Roofing, we have access to a large inventory of wood shakes and shingles in many styles and colors. We can repair or install these wooden beauties and offer you effective roof maintenance when needed. Contact us today to schedule a roofing consultation.

View of two homes with wood shingles in Denver

The Benefits of Wood Shingles

While wood shingles are not right for every home or homeowner, they do provide some unique benefits that make them a great addition to your home investment. Chemically-treated cedar wood shingles and shakes are very durable and can resist many forms of microbes and decay. Other benefits of wood shingles and shakes include:

  • Durability of up to 30 years
  • Algae and microbe resistant
  • Wind and impact resistant
  • Increased aesthetic look and curbside appeal

Whether you’re restoring a classic home or you just want that classic shake look, we can install your shingles perfectly. Are your shingles coming loose? We can help. We offer affordable shingle and shake repairs and cleaning that will restore your roof quickly. No matter your roofing needs, we’re happy to serve you.

Unmatched Variation

While we offer many roofing options in various styles, wood shingles offer the most customization on the market. Whether you’re looking to recreate a Victorian-style or rustic cabin feel, we can provide you with quality cedar or pine shingles and shakes that will last for years and look amazing. Our team of expert installers have years of experience and can ensure your new roofing system is installed correctly. We stand behind all of our work and we’re happy to provide any needed maintenance or repairs as well. Give your home a classic look and luxury feel with quality wood shingles and shakes installed by our team of roofing professionals.

Closeup of home with wood shakes in Denver

Service You Can Count On

At In-Ed Designs Roofing, we pride ourselves on offering unmatched customer service, clear communication, and quality work. We’ve built a reputation in Denver and throughout the region for effective roofing repairs and installations. We offer a wide range of roofing material to choose from and based on your budget and your tastes, we can offer affordable options that will make your home look stunning and protect it for decades to come. We offer both residential and commercial roofing services and inspections and we’re happy to provide you with an accurate estimate. We’ll strive to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

Get Your Free Roofing Inspection!